
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Do-Nows for Week of 4.1.13

How might the economy of America in the early-1800s have contributed to tensions between the North and the South?

Because the Northern economy was based on manufacturing and trade and the Southern economy was based on agriculture and slavery, the two regions had very different interests. Where the North was not committed to the continuation of slavery, the South saw it as a vital part of life. The South also did not rely as heavily on trade and transportation as the North did.

Why did Henry Clay draft the Missouri Compromise and what did it state?

Henry Clay drafted the Missouri Compromise as a way of settling the dispute between free states and slave states regarding the admission of Missouri as a state. If Missouri were to become a slave state or a free state, there would not longer be a balance of power in the Senate (there had previously been eleven free and eleven slave states). Clay proposed that Missouri enter the Union as a slave state and Maine enter the Union as a free state to maintain the balance or power. Also, slavery would prohibited in states made from the Louisiana Territory above the parallel 36°30'.


