
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Civil War Interactive Animations

Please note that you can control the simulation by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the screen. This will allow you to explore the campaign, the battle itself, the generals involved, etc. Each of the links below will take you to a different battle of the American Civil War.

First Battle of Bull Run [First Manassas] (July, 1861)
General McClellan's Peninsula Campaign (April-August, 1863)
Shiloh [Pittsburg Landing] (April, 1862)
Antietam [Sharpsburg] (September, 1862)
Fredericksburg (December, 1862)
Siege of Vicksburg (May-July, 1863)
Chickamauga (September, 1863)
Chancellorsville (April-May, 1863)
Gettysburg (July, 1863)
Chattanooga Campaign (November, 1863)
Sherman's March to the Sea [Savannah Campaign] (November-December, 1864)
Siege of Petersburg and Surrender at Appomattox (June, 1864 - April, 1865)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Civil War Battlefield National Parks

Many of the important battlefields of the American Civil War have been maintained by the National Parks Service to commemorate those lost and to preserve the history of our country. Below you will find links to the major battlefields that we will be studying in class.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Prezis Available to Study for Westward Expansion Test

The following Prezis are available for you on this website to help you study for the Westward Expansion test on Monday, May 6, 2013. To access these Prezis, scroll down, or click the quick links on the right-hand side of this page.

  1. Trail of Tears
  2. Trails West
  3. Annexation of Texas
  4. Acquisition of the Oregon Territory
  5. Mexican-American War
  6. California Gold Rush (and the Gadsden Purchase)
Please note that while these Prezis will aid you in studying for the exam, they should not be your only resource for preparation. You should also rely on your class notes, the study guide, do-now questions, homework assignments, and the textbook (pp. 314-401). Good luck!

The Gold Rush, 1849