List the five powers denied to the federal government under Article IX of the Articles of Confederation. (Note: There are eight, but we identified the five most important ones.)
1) Cannot engage in war, 2) cannot coin/print money, 3) cannot regulate the value of money, 4) cannot enter treaties/alliances, and 5) cannot borrow money on the credit of the United States.
In 1787, Daniel Shays led a group of men to the Springfield Armory in Springfield, MA. 1) Why did they march here, 2) what kind of men joined Shays, and 3) what did they plan to do afterward?
Daniel Shays led his men to the Springfield Armory because they needed weapons. The men under his command, although they were Revolutionary War veterans, were still only farmers and did not have access to the kinds of weapons needed to achieve their ultimate goal: to march on Boston and overthrow the Massachusetts state government.
Fill in the missing parts of the following flow chart:
--Revolutionary war breaks out.
--Farmers borrow money from Boston merchants.
--The war ends the need for surplus food no longer exists.
--Debtors face three options...
--Property seized by bank/creditor
--Farmers become scared about losing their property and the right to vote
--Revolutionary war breaks out
--Farmers borrow money from Boston merchants
--Farmers use the money to purchase and plant extra seeds
--The war ends the need for surplus food no longer exists
--Farmers cannot repay debts to Boston merchants
--Debtors face three options...
1. Property sold at auction
2. Property seized by bank/creditor
3. Debtor's jail
--Farmers become scared about losing their property and the right to vote
--Shays' Rebellion begins
See separate sheet: "Interview Questions" If you need to make up this assignment, ask Mr. Joyal for an extra sheet in class. This will count as both Thursday and Friday's Do-Nows.
--Samuel Adams: "County conventions are dangerous and must be disbanded."
--George Washington to Samuel Adams: "Meet with Shays' and his men and redress their grievances if possible before you face open rebellion."
--Henry Knox: "Shays' Rebellion has shown us that the national government is too weak and must be changed."
--Benjamin Lincoln: "I will raise a mercenary army to face Shays by collecting money from my wealthy friends and then paying my soldiers to fight."
--Daniel Shays: "Closing the courts was a big victory because no more debtors could be sent to jail."
See Thursday.