
Monday, December 10, 2012

Do-Now Questions for Week of 12/3/12


Name two delegates that you remember from yesterday's convention and write one thing that each one is famous for.

Some of the most famous delegates to the Constitution Convention include...
- George Washington - leader of the Continental Army during the American Revolution (later the first president)
- Alexander Hamilton - famous lawyer and aid to George Washington (will later help found the first National Bank)
- James Madison - kept notes of all the proceedings, drafted the Virginia Plan 
- George Mason - refused to sign the Constitution
- Benjamin Franklin - famous inventor and jack-of-all-trades


Choose the correct word from each of the following pairs to describe the majority of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Then, tell how these qualities might have influenced the writing of the Constitution.
     1. uneducated / educated
     2. wealthy / poor
     3. religious / atheist
     4. anti-slavery / pro-slavery

The delegates were mostly educated, wealthy, religious, and pro-slavery. These qualities meant that the Constitution would favor these kinds of people and not represent the interests of American as a whole. Slavery would not be made illegal, language would have an obvious Christian slant, and the document would benefit wealthy, educated people.

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