
Monday, March 25, 2013

Do-Nows for Week of 3.25.13

Based on what you know about Robert Fulton's invention, why do you think that small-boat owners on the Hudson River regularly attempted to ram the Clermont's side-paddle-wheels?

Robert Fulton's steamship, the first truly efficient and operational boat of its kind, threatened to put small boat owners out of business because it was a much faster and less expensive way to travel up-river. Without operational paddle-wheels though, the Clermont could not move.

What were the three parts of Henry Clay's American System and what was the purpose of the system as a whole?

Henry Clay's American System called for a tariff on imports to encourage people to buy American-made goods. It also included a national bank (the second one, since Alexander Hamilton established the first) to promote a single currency for the nation. The third part of his plan was to improve the transportation infastructure of the United States since roads were poor and made overland trade difficult, slow and expensive. The overarching goal of Clay's system was to make American self-sufficient so that it would no longer need to rely on foreign nations for trade.



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