
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Barack Obama's 2013 Inaugural Address

After you watch the following video clip of President Obama's Inaugural Address from January 21, 2013, choose any five of the following short answer questions to respond to:
  1. What does Barack Obama mean by “blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword?” Why is this phrase particularly important for his inaugural address?
  2. What “crises” does Obama claim have defined this generation of people?
  3. What things does Obama claim must be revamped and redesigned in order for the United States to move forward?
  4. Does President Obama support Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? Why or why not?
  5. Obama claims that we must put ourselves on the “long and difficult” path toward something. What is it and why must we do this?
  6. Explain Obama’s stance on war and world peace.
  7. What does Barack Obama say about women, homosexuals, and legal immigrants?
  8. Name at least five historical events that Barack Obama connected to in his speech. Why do you think he chose these events to mention?

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