
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Do-Now Questions for Week of 1/7/13




One of the most famous myths about George Washington is the tale of the cherry tree. It is not true, but why do you think that someone might have created that myth about our first president?

Someone may have created a myth like this to teach children about George Washington. The fact that he confessed to his wrongdoing means that he was a very honesty and virtuous man. Washington was impressive enough without having all these myths fabricated about him, but they raise him to a "larger than life" stature.

Think about what life would be like if there were no banks. How would your life be different? What would you do with your money?

Banks are essential to a successfully functioning economy. If banks did not exist, no one's money would be safe. There would be a marked rise in crime because people would need to keep money on hand and in their homes. Without credit cards, everyone would have to pay for things in cash, and there would be no such thing as home loans. You would have to make every purchase with the cash you have (without overspending).

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